Nevada Celebrate Recovery Inside
Seminar 2010
January 23rd ▬ Saturday ▬ 9am to 3pm
Session 1: How to start “CR Inside” in Jails/Prisons
This presentation focuses on the basics of starting a Celebrate Recovery ministry inside a jail/prison facility. This presentation provides basics on curriculum, format and application depending on short-term versus long-term incarceration periods. Finally, this presentation is intended to provide answers to all the questions you ever had about CR Inside.
Session 2: Incarceration to Community Transition
This presentation focuses on the fundamental transitional elements of mentoring, support, guidance and accountability prior to and following release of the incarcerated individual. This presentation stresses the importance of seeking out available public and community support services. This presentation highlights the different rules of engagement from ‘inside’ to the community.
Session 3: Therapeutic Community (TC)
This presentation provides insight on how best to assist and support the community dynamics of a faith-based or therapeutic community (TC) housing unit. Provides guidance to the role of the community volunteer and their contribution to the housing unit and to the individuals growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Who Should Attend—anyone interested in Jail/Prison Ministry, Jail/Prison Staff and Volunteers, and those associated with the release of Incarcerated Individuals.
How to Register—Please email
Include Names attending, Institution, Email and Phone Number
Cost— $10 Materials and Lunch included
The Seminar will be held at:
Central Christian Church
1001 New Beginnings Dr.
Henderson, NV 89011 (702) 735-4004 cc: Care Dept.